Etichetă: Gabriel Cojocariu

  • Echoes of “eco”

    Echoes of “eco”

    “The peasant’s in the field, the peasant’s in the field/Oh well, my little darling, the peasant’s in the field”. These are the words of an old Romanian song. What was the peasant doing in the field? Ecological agriculture, of course! What is he doing now? He was forced to sell his land to a big…

  • Dadaism or starting from a game

    Dadaism or starting from a game

    There has been a game, a devastating game carried out by unconscious people. There have been kings, bankers, politicians and warriors by profession who pushed millions and millions of innocent people to hate and kill each other, just to settle their rules. There were the rules of domination, handled through money, social position and military…