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Bloshchynskyi, Ihor, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Head of the English translation department, Faculty of foreign languages and humanities, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Bloshchynskyi, Ihor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the English translation department, Faculty of foreign languages and humanities, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Bloshchynskyi, Ihor, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
BLYNOVA, Olena, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
Boariu, Dan, George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences, and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Tîrgu Mureș, Romania, Street Gh. Marinescu 38, 500142
BOBILCA, Valentina Gabriela, Student, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
BOBROVYTSKA, Svitlana, Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Boca, Andreea Gabriela, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2694-6673
Bocu, Dorin, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bocu, Dorin, Transylvania University of Brasov
Bocu, Răzvan
Bocu, Razvan, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bocu, Razvan, Transylvania University of Brasov
BODARIEVA, Mariia, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine
Bode Ayansina, Nurudeen,, Turkey
Bodnarchuk, Viktorja, Assistant Professor of the Practical Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Lviv State University of Life Safety
Boev, Monica, "Dunarea de Jos" University
BOEV, Monica, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Boev, Monica, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,"Dunărea de Jos" University, 800216, Galați, Romania
BOGATCHUK, Svetlana, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of History of Ukraine and Philosophy Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of History of Ukraine and Philosophy Department, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University ORCID ID:
Bogdan, Razvan, Politehnica University of Timisoara
Bogdan, Zhanna, Phd in Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Psychology and Sociology, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Boghian, Ioana, "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau
BOHDAN, Tetiana, T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium", Ukraine
Bohdan, Valerii, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Bohush, Olha, Units Daily Activities Management Military Academy
Boiagina, Olga, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
Boiangiu, Costin Anton, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
Boiangiu, Costin-Anton, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2987-4022
Boiangiu, Costin-Anton, Professor, PhD Eng., University Politehnica University of Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania

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