Ethical Aspects of Biometric Identification

Madalina Maria Diac, Simona Irina Damian, Bianca Diana Butincu, Anton Knieling, Diana Bulgaru Iliescu


The term biometrics derives from Greek (bio=life and metrics=measure) and implies the measurement of biological signs. Biometrics is the science of recognizing people based on their physical, behavioral, and physiological attributes, such as fingerprint, face scan, iris, retina, and voice. The present paper aims to develop a study on biometric identification. The major objective of the study is to conduct a survey among the Romanian population on the importance and knowledge of biometric identification methods. This objective was achieved by assessing the knowledge held by the general population of Romania regarding biometric indicators and the degree of adaptability and openness of citizens related to the widest possible implementation of biometrics.  The study was based on conducting a quantitative analysis using a questionnaire. Due to the high degree of accessibility, the online environment was chosen as a method of application, distribution being made through social networks. A biometric template digitizes the human body, it has been argued that the collection of biometric identifiers not only interferes with the privacy and right to protection of a person's data, but also with the integrity of an individual's body. In conclusion, the creation and storage of a unique biometric template must be seen in relation to the purpose of the operation. The protection of citizens from criminal activities is a primary obligation of the state. However, it must be exercised with due respect for a number of fundamental ethical values and in the light of modern human rights law.


biometry, identification, ethical aspects, questionnaire study, database

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